Monday 26 January 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #4

Hello again everyone,

This week we explored various curation tools throughout the Web. A resource we learned about this week is bookmarking. Bookmarking is a way to gain easy access to frequently visited websites. I am pretty familiar with this process as I use this tool to save important websites such as BrockU and Sakai. I found that bookmarking and tagging to be useful for educational purposes because it allows me to easily retrieve information from these websites which are constantly being updated. Having these websites bookmarked is also a great reminder to myself to frequently check my Sakai or my E-mail. 

Diigo is a bookmarking tool that we were introduced to this week. This tool allows you to gather all your favourite webpages and information and store them on one place. This storage takes place in the cloud allowing for easy access from any electronic source. After exploring this tool, I found that Diigo can also be accessed on my iPad or on an android. All the information is synced so that you can continue reading an article that you have bookmarked from your computer on another device. I also enjoyed the highlighting feature on Diigo. This feature allows you to highlight specific text on an article you are reading and save it as a screenshot so that it can be shared to others. 

Valid and Reliable Information
It is important to consider the authenticity of the information that you bookmark so that it builds your knowledge in a positive way. Throughout university, professors always emphasized using 'valid' sources when writing a paper. This means that the information is credited, unbiased, and reliable. 

I am sure that many people have heard of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a website where you can get information about almost anything. However, the downside is that anyone has access to alter the information on the topic. Therefore, Wikipedia is not a reliable resource and does not contribute to your knowledge. To ensure that the information you bookmark is reliable, look for peer reviewed articles or journal articles. Recognizing which resources are reliable is important for your knowledge to ensure the information you are using in a research paper or an essay is correct. 

Exploring Curation Tools
This week I explored curation tools such as Diigo, Scoop it, and LiveBinders. All these tools will definitely be on my new PLE diagram under the educational and social category. I really enjoyed using LiveBinders because enables you to create a 'virtual' three ring binder where you can organize all your websites, articles, images into separate tabs. Here is a brief tutorial I found that explains how to set up LiveBinders and all its unique features:

Article of the Week
Best Tips for a Successful Interview As I have mentioned before, graduation is right around the corner for me. This means job hunting, and preparing for interviews. This article on my Feedly this week provides tips for a successful interview from the interviewers perspective! 

Until next week,


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