This week we were introduced to a new interactive tool called VoiceThread. VoiceThread is a tool that allows you to use different types of media to create an interactive slideshow- this includes both voice and text. It then allows viewers to leave a comment on the presentation where others can also view/ hear. 

This tool would contributed to my academic learning as it could be used for group projects or participation in the classroom. For group work, it can be used to as an aid for a presentation where members can leave comments on the slides on what information could be included before actually presenting the final work. For in class purposes, it can be used for exactly what we did this week- have a slideshow with numerous questions in which students have the opportunity to reply using course content. This is a great way for students to participate and demonstrate their knowledge if they are too shy to do so in an actual classroom setting. 

I do not think that I would personally add this tool to my PLE because I do not see myself having the opportunity to do so in the future. However, it would definitely fit under the communication and educational section of my PLE because it allows you to receive and give educational feedback from your peers. 

Here is the VoiceThread that we used in class this week: 


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