
This week we were introduced to new audio creation tools to create a podcast. Podcasts are audio files that are embedded into a webpage. Thus far, we have been sharing our knowledge through slides shows and text, but this week, we are exploring a new type of media, audio! The tool that I chose to use is called SoundCloud. SoundCloud allows you to create, upload, and share your own soundtracks. I used SoundCloud this week to create a podcast about what I have learned about the digital environment. Check out my first podcast below:

I think podcasts are a great way to share your opinions on a more personal level. Most of the time, it is difficult to express humour and other emotion through text. However, podcasts allow you to display more emotion about a specific topic. Hearing someone talk has much more impact than just reading what they have to say. 

Podcasts can greatly contribute to my digital literacy if used correctly. There are many academic podcasts, as well as ones just for entertainment. They are another great way to gain knowledge and have information presented to you. With podcasts, you can literally get your voice/opinion out there in the digital world and be heard by millions of people. It is a great way to connect with others on a personal level. 

Thanks for reading,


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