Monday 19 January 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #3

Welcome back everyone,

So this week we learned explored a new tool called Feedly. Feedly is a great tool that allows you to keep up to date with any blogs or news website posts that you have expressed interest in. Instead of having to look-up each website separately, this tool allows you to get all that information on your feed reader. All the information is presented chronologically, so it saves us a lot of time having to open tons of web browsers! 

Now that I have created my Feedly, I am able to keep up to date with all the blogs and websites that I subscribed to. A blog that caught my attention this week was about food. As a university student I think we can all relate when I say that cooking can be a hassle at times, and following a recipe is not always the easiest. On my Feedly I subscribed to Laura In the Kitchen. This presented me with her YouTube channel in which I was able to follow along to her recipes while watching her cook! This informed me that there are so many platforms on the internet where you can get information. News articles, blogs, and even Youtube are great learning environments. 

RSS Feed Readers are a great tool to contribute to my work in building knowledge about digital literacy, responsibility, and citizenship because they introduce me to new tools and information that I might have overlooked in the past. There were a few sites that I was familiar with before being introduced to Feedly, but the RSS Feed Readers have broadened my range of learning platforms. In my previous post titled "My Experience with RSS Feeds," I mentioned that there was a blog post on my Feedly about how social media affects job- hunting. It touched on topics that we learned about in Week 1- Digital Footprints. Reading this post definitely reaffirmed the importance of digital responsibility and citizenship as everything we present on the internet can affect our future. 

Feedly will be a new tool added to my PLE map! I would consider this an educational and social tool. Not only do you receive information from Feedly through blogs and news articles, but it allows you to connect with people on different social platforms such as Youtube. 

Until next week,


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