Friday 13 March 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #9

Welcome back!

This definitely has been a hectic week with all the different posts we had to do, and also learning about a new tool called VoiceThread! VoiceThread is a tool that allows you to use different types of media to create an interactive slideshow- this includes both voice and text. It then allows viewers to leave a comment verbally or written in which others can view or hear. This tool is great for building knowledge as the presenter can share their opinions through the slideshow, but also receive feedback from their peers through their comments. 

VoiceThread would be a great tool for teachers to use outside the classroom. Like we did in this week's session, we commented on several slides while also learning from others who left comments. Not only are we learning from the instructor but we are also able to communicate with our peers and receive feedback on a more personal level. I think this is a good method for teachers to mark participation, especially for those students who are too shy to put up their hand in the classroom. 

This tool would be categorized as communicative and educational under my PLE. I do not think that will include this in my PLE because I would not have many opportunities to use this in the future. However, I highly recommend this tool for any students in Concurrent Education as this could be a new and effective way to engage students in participating and interacting with each other. 

Article of the Week
This week's article on my Feedly tied in with my Technology Use Scenario very well. My scenario was about a boy named Max who was addicted to the internet. This week's article reflected on how society is so consumed with having the 'perfect' social media post. Check it out here: Obsessing over the perfect social media post is ruining your life, study says.

Until next week,


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