Friday 13 March 2015

Technology Use Scenario

Scenario #15

Max is always on the computer. Except when he is at school, Max is on his social networking sites, video sites, or just surfing websites. He communicates with many people using his social networking sites or texting, but rarely leaves the house. His mother is becoming concerned that he is not seeing his friends or going out. What should Max's mother do?

In this scenario, Max is not showing understanding of digital health and wellness. One of the main issues is that he is becoming consumed with the use of the internet and withdrawing from society. Max is spending the majority of his time on social media and playing video games which can be harmful physically to his eyes and his social life. Also, he can develop repetitive strain injuries from constantly being on his phone or a computer. Although surfing the web and texting can be fun, it is important to take a break from those activities and actually communicate with others in person instead of hiding behind a cellphone. If I were Max's mother, I would take away his privileges from his cellphone or computer for a number of hours during the day. This way, he will learn to focus on enjoying his time with his friends or studies, and also learn to communicate in more effect ways. 

This article on my Feedly this week ties in perfectly with this scenario: Obsessing over the perfect social media. It explains how people in society today are more consumed about posting the perfect picture on their Instagram or Facebook than actually enjoying the moment. This article states that 91% of respondents have witnessed tourists miss a great moment because they were too busy capturing it for social media. I can say that I am guilty of being part of that 91%, but after reading about the severity of this issue, I will definitely limit how much time I focus on social media. 


  1. Hi Heidi,
    I strongly agree with your assessment of the scenario. I really appreciated that you tied the other Digital element of Health and Wellness into the discussion as well as a real world example! The above scenario is indicative of an internet addiction and as described by Ribble (2011), it can lead to physical, mental and social concerns. As for Max’s mother, I believe that she should draw him out into conversation to understand why the addiction has occurred. A lot of the parent-oriented resources provided this week describe the need for open communication. I also think this relates to the parental responsibility of modelling good technology use and setting boundaries as outlined by the collaborators of the StaySafeOnline website.
    Thank you for sharing your insights!

  2. Hi Heidi,

    Great post! I too follow suit with the perspectives you and Julie have taken on this scenario. Like you stated in your discussion, countless hours sitting down and using technology can do more then just ruin ones social life. The damage it can cause to your body and physical well-being is something very harmful to consider.

    Addressing the issue of what Max’s mother should do, I think you were spot on with your statement. She should take away his privileges to these types of technology at different point in the day. As bad as it may sound, this will force Max to step out of the house and socialize with friends.

    I am interested to see what suggestions others may have with respect to Max’s mother’s actions, if any?

    Thanks for the great discussion post!


  3. Hi,
    I agree with your statement about social media these days, people care more about the artificial factors such as posting on instagram it takes over thier lives and they find themselves with little time to enjoy real moments. As for what Max's mother should do your right, taking away his privileges is one of the best things possible as it will force him to do other things. As christopher said earlier it will force him to socialize with freinds. This is essential in building a foundation in this world today.
