Monday 16 March 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #11

Hey everyone,
Only one more week to go and that means graduation is right around the corner for me! This week we explored some webcasting tools. First we will look at podcasts. Podcasts are audio recordings or soundtracks made on the Internet that can be downloaded or shared with others. The tool that I explored this week was SoundCloud. SoundCloud is podcasting tool that allows you to create, upload, share, and follow others' podcasts. I found this site very easy to navigate, and I even listened to some interesting podcasts that were on the website. 

This week we also explored screencasts. Screencasts are digital recordings of your computer, often accompanied by an audio narrative. Before taking this course, I have heard of podcasts, but not screencasts. Once I watched the video on what a screencast was, I familiar with this concept, I was just not aware of this term. Both podcasts and screencasts are great tools to enhance your educational experience. Both tools bring forth a different type of learning experience on a personal level. I personally find it more effective to retain knowledge when I can hear (podcasts) and see (screencasts) the information that is being taught. 

I find that these creation knowledge expression tools to be the more successful learning tools. I personally always turn to YouTube videos of screencasts for any technological issues because there is someone navigating you through the entire process. I have even used screencasts to help me use my financial calculator (those devices are really confusing). Screencasts and podcasts are a new way of learning and I would definitely add them to my PLE. 

With all the different things we have been creating and sharing on our blog this semester, I have learned that we must protect our own material. I have embedded a Creative Commons licence on my blog this week to protect my work, you should too!

Article of the Week
Since we have been talking about leaving a positive digital footprint in the digital environment, I thought this article would be very fitting: How to debate the big issues on social media. This article talks about the do's and don'ts for debating on issues on the Internet, and the proper etiquette on the Internet. 

Until next week (the final week),


1 comment:

  1. i also read that article and could not agree more with some of the do's and don't's, because many of us im sure have made mistakes big or small on the internet!
