Saturday 14 February 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #6

Hello again everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their reading week so far! We are half way through the semester and it definitely nice to get a break from school. 

This week we were introduced to a new tool called Evernote. Evernote is a web based application that allows you to gather information which can be synced between various devices. Will this tool you are able to create notebooks pertaining images, web clippings, and even attach files that you could share with classmates. It is a great collaborative and organizational tool! I find that Evernote is very similar to Google Docs in that multiple people can share the same information and edit a project together while on different devices (however you have to pay for the premium application on Evernote for this feature). 

At first I had to watch several tutorials on how to use Evernote because it was a bit tricky; however, once you play around with the different features, everything is really easy to navigate. I even downloaded the Evernote app on my iPad so I could save webpages or articles when I am on there. What I like most about Evernote is that the information you put on your notes saves automatically. I think everyone has had the experience of losing an important paper because they forgot to save it, or your computer crashes... With this tool, everything is saved as soon as you start typing!

This tool is a great educational tool that contributes to building knowledge as it allows you to gather information pertaining to any topic in an organized matter, and can be shared with classmates. It is efficient in that all your information can be accessed through one tool instead of having 10 different web links opened. I would definitely add this to my PLE diagram under communication and educational as this tool contributes to your knowledge as well as connecting with others. 

I created a notebook on Evernote relating to my research topic "Digital Security," and I discovered many related articles and YouTube videos pertaining to this topic that will contribute to the group project. One thing I learned about being a digital citizen is that it is important to be aware of all the precautions you need to take in order to secure your identity in the digital world. Some valid tips I acquired was creating a STRONG password when needed (use upper and lower case, and numbers), and be aware of what you are trying to access online.

Article of the Week
 An article I found on my Feedly this week was very fitting for my research project. The 8 scariest digital security stories of 2014 (so far) is an article talking about some of the most recent incidents in cyberspace. Some of the things that I read were really shocking so it is important to be properly informed and aware on the internet. 

Have a great reading week everyone!
Until next time, 



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