Wednesday 25 February 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #7

Welcome back from reading week everyone!

This week we explored two different collaborative tools on the internet: Google Docs and TodaysMeet. Google Docs is a tool that allows multiple users to view and edit a document at the same time. You can see what others are contributing to the document while you are working on it too.  This tool can be used in a variety of ways in classroom learning as well as professional settings. First, Google Docs is a great collaborative tool for group projects. I have only ever used Google Docs for writing papers with a group; however, after exploration, I learned that it can also be used for presentations, spreadsheets, and drawings! Secondly, Google Docs is a great alternative for those that do not have Office installed on their computer. They can simply log onto their Google account and start working on there. Thirdly, the feature that I enjoy most about this tool is that everything is saved automatically- therefore, it saves you the trouble of having to save everything onto your computer. This allows you to access your work on any computer, anywhere around the world! 

Although I have used Google Docs in the past, I did not include it in my original PLE diagram because I mainly used it for group project which I did not have at the time. However, I will add this tool to my PLE because of all the benefits that come along with it! It would definitely be categorized as an educational and communicative tool. 

Working with two other members this week has definitely contributed to my educational experience. It has improved my communication skills as well as teamwork initiatives. Working in a group with people online is much more difficult than collaborating with people in person. However, I found that it is important to be patient and always check in on group conversations so that you are always caught up. We initially communicated with each other through E-mail and Facebook, but once we were introduced to TodaysMeet, we began communicating through there. This is another tool that I would add to my PLE diagram is TodaysMeet. TodaysMeet is simply an online chat room where you can invite anyone to the meeting spot as long as you share the URL to the room. I found this tool very effective as it allows you to view a chronological transcript of the whole conversation so you can see who you have been communicating with, and the flow of conversation. 

Article of the Week
This week's article from my Feedly is about Apple's new Diverse Emojis! Apple has release a sneak peak of their new emojis that will come out in November. These new emojis show a range of ethnicities from Caucasian to Asian, and African American. Apple was aware that their current emojis lack racial diversity so they came up with six different skin tones. 

Until next week,,

Saturday 14 February 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #6

Hello again everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their reading week so far! We are half way through the semester and it definitely nice to get a break from school. 

This week we were introduced to a new tool called Evernote. Evernote is a web based application that allows you to gather information which can be synced between various devices. Will this tool you are able to create notebooks pertaining images, web clippings, and even attach files that you could share with classmates. It is a great collaborative and organizational tool! I find that Evernote is very similar to Google Docs in that multiple people can share the same information and edit a project together while on different devices (however you have to pay for the premium application on Evernote for this feature). 

At first I had to watch several tutorials on how to use Evernote because it was a bit tricky; however, once you play around with the different features, everything is really easy to navigate. I even downloaded the Evernote app on my iPad so I could save webpages or articles when I am on there. What I like most about Evernote is that the information you put on your notes saves automatically. I think everyone has had the experience of losing an important paper because they forgot to save it, or your computer crashes... With this tool, everything is saved as soon as you start typing!

This tool is a great educational tool that contributes to building knowledge as it allows you to gather information pertaining to any topic in an organized matter, and can be shared with classmates. It is efficient in that all your information can be accessed through one tool instead of having 10 different web links opened. I would definitely add this to my PLE diagram under communication and educational as this tool contributes to your knowledge as well as connecting with others. 

I created a notebook on Evernote relating to my research topic "Digital Security," and I discovered many related articles and YouTube videos pertaining to this topic that will contribute to the group project. One thing I learned about being a digital citizen is that it is important to be aware of all the precautions you need to take in order to secure your identity in the digital world. Some valid tips I acquired was creating a STRONG password when needed (use upper and lower case, and numbers), and be aware of what you are trying to access online.

Article of the Week
 An article I found on my Feedly this week was very fitting for my research project. The 8 scariest digital security stories of 2014 (so far) is an article talking about some of the most recent incidents in cyberspace. Some of the things that I read were really shocking so it is important to be properly informed and aware on the internet. 

Have a great reading week everyone!
Until next time, 



Sunday 1 February 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #5

Hello everyone, 

Today is the first day of February! It is crazy how fast a month of this semester has flown by, and I think everyone is starting to feel the stress of midterms and assignments. This past month we have been building our Personal Learning Network (PLN). Klingensmith defines a PLN as "the entire collection of people with whom you engage and exchange information, usually online." We have been developing a PLN through our blogs, and Feedly, and this week we were introduced to Twitter

Twitter is one of my most frequently used social media tools. For those who have never used Twitter, it is like a mini blog where you "tweet" your thoughts/opinions in 140 characters. This tool allows you interact with people to follow others and keep up with their tweets that will appear on your timeline. On the right is an image of my Twitter profile- feel free to follow me @heidiADED and do not forget to use the hashtag #ADED1P32 when you create your own tweets!

I have always used Twitter as a way to interact with friends and family, as well as keep up with celebrity gossip. However, this week I learned that this is a powerful educational tool to build knowledge. It allows you to communicate with classmates about important information, and connect with others about a topic through a common hashtag. Twitter can be used to keep up with global events in any industry- it all depends on the people you follow. I began to follow several news stations such as @CP24 and @TorontoStar so I can receive updates on what is happening around the world. 

Twitter was a tool that was already included in my PLE from Week 2's session. I included it under the 'Social' category as I mainly used it to interact with friends and family. After learning more about this tool, I would also categorize it as an educational tool along with other curation tools like Feedly and LiveBinders. 

After this week's session, I am learning a lot about gaining digital literacy. Twitter is an innovative way to gain knowledge outside of a classroom. Digital technology is a great alternative to traditional learning styles and I think that this tool a great way to get started. It includes all aspected of digital literacy such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. I am excited to see what else we could possibly explore in the digital world these upcoming weeks!

Article of the Week
This week we had the option of building a PLN through LinkedIn. This article about LinkedIn appeared on my Feedly, and I found it very appropriate to share for this week's session. LinkedIn is good for Business describes how this tool is the largest professional networks in the world. It allows you to build connections with people all around the world and great for businesses who are wanting to grow their business. I highly suggest that everyone create a LinkedIn profile as it acts like a digital resume and great for networking.

Until next week,
