Monday 6 April 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #12

Welcome back for the last time everyone :(

I cannot believe how fast this semester has flown by! The next step for me is exams, and then GRADUATION!! I have bittersweet emotions towards leaving Brock, but nevertheless, I am excited to start my future. 

To start, I googled my name and I can honestly see a big difference since the beginning of the semester. The first thing that I saw was my blog, and then my Twitter account. It is safe to say, that I have left a positive digital footprint thus far. It is amazing to see how much my footprint has grown in just 12 weeks. 

Now that I am graduating, having a positive digital footprint is really important as I will be recruited (hopefully) by large companies. As my career goals are to work for a large finance company, I found myself to be very cautious as to what I put on the Internet. Just because there is a delete button, does not mean it is gone forever. No matter that environment you are in, I have learned that you should always be aware of what is being displayed on social media because it can hurt your reputation and your professionalism. 

I have taken away a lot of useful information during these 12 weeks and grateful for everyone who has shared this experience with me. For those who are graduating, good luck on your future endeavours. And for those who are continuing their studies, good luck!

Thanks everyone for following me on this journey!
